Monday, September 24, 2012

Assignment 2

                                                         Show me the money

Smart Board Features – Pictures
                                    -interactive games
                                    -I added sound
1. Creativity and Innovation-Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes. For this assignment, I had to learn how to use a smart board lesson and then I used this knowledge to add to or take away slides.
c. This lesson also uses models and simulation to explore complex systems and issues. My lesson has examples of the coins I am teaching about and there are matching games where they must show where each coin belongs. I have to use an actual smart board and show what I have learned about the smart notebook.
2. Communication and collaboration- Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and to contribute to the learning of others.
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. For this activity, I have to present my lesson in front the class.
3. Research and Information Fluency - Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate,
and use information.

b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. For this assignment, I had to find a lesson and then change it to fit the project.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. In order to complete this project, I had to decide how to present my lesson and manage the games in my lesson.

5. Digital Citizenship-Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. For this assignment, I practiced safe, legal and responsible use of technology by using SMART notebook to get my source.

b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. This assignment creates a positive attitude by having the students create their own lesson and teach what they have learned to the rest of the class.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts-Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

a. Understand and use technology systems. This assignments helps the students learn how to create and use a lesson using a smart board.

-An interactive board could help children learn by keeping them engaged. The board I am presenting has pictures to help students have a better understanding of the lesson I am teaching and then there are interactive games to check their understanding. I am asking my students to apply their knowledge about counting to my lesson on sorting money. for the lesson they have to come up to the smart board in front of the class and show what they know by sorting the coins in a couple of different scenarios.  Because the children are able to be involved with the lesson, they will be more likely to pay attention.

Week #5 Promethean ActivBoard

The Golden Avenue School in California had been struggling. Five years in a row the school failed to make adequate yearly progress. In an effort to end this cycle, the school added new technology into their program. In 2010 the school had the Promethean ActivBoard installed in every classroom as well as the ActiVotes system and ActivExpression. This was meant to help children learn and to especially reach encourage struggling children. After this change, teachers observed that their students were more interested in their learning, picked up concepts more easily and were more interested in what was going on in the classroom.

Reflection #1- Classroom info page

I am on the cross country team at Northwest University, and I think it is interesting how my coach uses facebook to keep up with his team, parents, and other fans. He has a afcebook page that he dedicates to Northwest Cross country. Here is updates on races and events and posts pictures. He also encourages the team to post comments or pictures. I could see this idea working in a classroom to help parents keep up with what is going on in the classroom. This could also be a great place for students to go if they have any questions about their assignments. This would connect them not only to the teacher, but to other students who could help them as well.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

week #4

This week I learned how to use the smart notebook to download lessons. Once I picked out my lesson I learned how to add pictures on an interactive board and how to edit the lesson. I am still not sure how to add a video or sound.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Demographics Write-Up

Riverview Elementary
Some of this material is fictitious

Classroom Demographics:
In my classroom I have 24 students. 10 are girls and 14 are boys. Five of my students are on reduced lunch and two of my children are autistic. I have a lot of support from parents. Most of the parents are good at making sure their child is prepared for class and a couple of the parents volunteer on a regular basis. In my classroom, I have access to a smart board and a document camera.
School Demographics:
Riverview Elementary School is located in Snohomish County in a suburban neighborhood. There are 227 male students, 225 female students and 84.5% of the students are white. 33.8% of the students in the school receive free or reduced-price meals. The school also provides human services. The Human Services Department is responsible for all personnel matters for the Snohomish School District including job postings and hiring, mentoring programs, substitute services, contracts and bargaining, employee assistance program, First Aid CPR training, and employment records.
Community Demographics:
Riverview supports technology in the classroom. There has been a strong push to ensure that all classrooms have technology to support teaching and learning. All classrooms have a presentation system consisting of a laptop, document camera and projection device. This has been achieved through a partnership with the PTO and through the Snohomish Education Foundation. The library-media center provides leadership and support in this area. This year, the librarymedia staff has worked to establish a school-wide plan for using Reading Counts. They have also identified specific websites to support curriculum and instruction. In addition, the library-media staff have also begun offering “Tech Tips,” short focused professional development sessions targeting the application of technology for instruction in the classroom. Riverview has many volunteers. Mike Rogalinki coordinates watch D.O.G.S. in the Snohomish School district. Each dad volunteers one day a year. Riverview has good financial support from the community. The school just recently remodeled the building after passing a bond.
Kindergarten Tech Standards:
EALR 1 – Integration
Students use technology within all content areas to collaborate, communicate, generate innovative ideas, investigate and solve problems.

1.1: Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

1.2: Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

1.3: Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems using digital tools and resources.

EALR 2 – Digital Citizenship
Students demonstrate a clear understanding of technology systems and operations and practice safe, legal and ethical behavior.

2.1: Practice Safety: Practice safe, legal and ethical behavior in the use of information and technology.

2.2: Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.

2.3: Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.

2.4: Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies. (Grades 6-12 only)

Week #3

In his article, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, Mark Prensky  discusses the difference between the generation that has grown up with technology (Digital Natives) and the generation that grew up without technology and started using it later in life (Digital Immigrants). I learned from this article that, because different experiences lead to different brain structures, the digital native generation actually has a different brain than the digital immigrants. For instance,  digital immigrants do not understand that students today can study or work while watching T.V. or listening to the radio because they cannot do it themselves. I agree with Prensky that teachers need to create lessons that teach both the old fundamentals (legacy) and future content. I wonder how much time needs to be spent on teacher future content and how much time should be devoted to legacy.       

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week #2

In his clip, Bring on the learning revolution, Sir Ted Robinson made an excellent point about how curriculum that is interesting to students will be far more beneficial to their learning. He made the argument that people are good at things they are passionate about. Children in this generation have grown up with technology and are passionate about it so teachers should include it in their lessons.  I believe that as long technology does not stray away from or distract from the lesson, it can be beneficial in a classroom setting. However, I also think that we should not disregard learning tools that are not electronic. Sir Ted Robinson made note that the younger generations do not wear watches because they have phones that do everything. But I think that watches can sometimes be more convenient or professional than using a phone for time.