Monday, September 24, 2012

Week #5 Promethean ActivBoard

The Golden Avenue School in California had been struggling. Five years in a row the school failed to make adequate yearly progress. In an effort to end this cycle, the school added new technology into their program. In 2010 the school had the Promethean ActivBoard installed in every classroom as well as the ActiVotes system and ActivExpression. This was meant to help children learn and to especially reach encourage struggling children. After this change, teachers observed that their students were more interested in their learning, picked up concepts more easily and were more interested in what was going on in the classroom.


  1. I really like that you were able to find an article that actually talked about what the Active Board has done in a classroom. I only found ones for sale and the features they have, so I enjoyed reading about how one was used and the impact it had.

  2. Great research! As Sarah stated, it is interesting to see a documented case describing the effects that the board had on the classroom culture. I think that the boards have the capacity to do wonders for the engagement within the classroom and I can imagine the student's and teachers excitement when they were permitted access to these boards.
