Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflection #10 Internet

Yesterday, I had a large break in my day so I decided it would be the perfect time to catch up on my homework. However, my internet decided not to work and I needed the internet to do almost all of my homework. This made me think of how important it is for educators to think about the limitations of technology. Teachers should use technology and encourage my students to use it, but they should be careful when giving out homework that is dependent on technology. This could be anything from giving the students a back-up assignment if something goes wrong or if they don’t have the technology at home, or giving the students extra time to complete assignments at home so they will still have more time to finish it if their power goes out or their computer breaks. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


1. Bethany:
2. Alyssa:
3. Kendra:
4. Heather:
6. Whitney:
7. Sarah:
8. Tootsie:
9. Trey:

Reflection #9 Distractions

Today in class one of our professors gave us instructions to find our grade for an assignment online at the beginning of the class and told the students who had computers that they could take a look. After I looked up my grade, I found that I was extremely distracted. I started thinking about my grade and the other stuff that popped up on my computer when I looked at my grade. This made me realize that it is very important for teachers to be careful about the timing of technology in the classroom. If technology is given to the students at the beginning of the lesson and then the teacher does not have the students put it away and enforce that, then most of them will be unable to concentrate during the lesson.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week #14

In this article, I found some interesting ideas about how technology will transform the way we do education. The article first talks about how 3D imaging can be used to demonstrate how to do a certain task. They used the example of students wanted to become doctors being able to see a surgery in 3D. The article also talked about how classrooms across the world can be connected enabling students to learn about different cultures. The idea that I was most perplexed by was called Holographic technology which would allow teachers to teach in more than one classroom at the same time by recording their image and lecture and having it in a classroom. This would allow more schools to have the most qualified teachers but may also make it harder to teach to the individual student.

Reflection #8 GPS Running Watches

When I was looking at running watches, I noticed how incredible they have become. They now have the technology to put a GPS in relatively small watches. These watches can  tracks time, distance, pace, heart rate and calories burned and even remembers recent runs and personal records. I could see this eventually being used in gym classes to monitor progress and set goals and even in physics classes to calculate the work you are doing in order to run up a flight of stairs based on your speed. They could also be used in a math class to look at the relationship between pace, distance and heart rate.   

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week # 13

Word- Typing, spell check, tables, synonyms function
PowerPoint- slide show, Layout, picture
Excel- I have used it to make a schedule before.
1.       1. . To help students learn how to use word, I would have them make a table with two columns. One labeled vocab words and the other labeled synonyms. The students will type up the vocab words for the week in the vocab column and then they will use the synonym drop down on the computer to find synonyms for each of the vocab words and list them in the synonym column.
2.       2.  To help the students learn how to use PowerPoint I would have them do a research project and make a slideshow with a background and pictures.
3.       3. To help students  learn how to use Excel, I would have them use it to write down their plans for the week moving up to Christmas.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week #12

 Dr. Marzano talks about a study on how helpful interactive whiteboards are. The interesting thing he found is that 23 percent of cases, teachers had better results without the interactive whiteboards. I learned from this article that you can insert flipcharts that remind them to stop the presentation students can process and analyze the new information. Something I thought would be helpful for my future classroom is the advice Dr. Marzano gave about using technology in a way that will not distract from the lesson. One of the things I thought was really helpful was that the teacher should have the class discuss why they chose their answer even if they all got it correct.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week #11

This blog discusses how standardized tests in schools narrows the curriculum in schools because teachers are teaching to the test instead of encouraging children to be creative. I learned that part of the problem is educators see children as future adults instead of as children. I commented about how programs that encourage creativity have been cut. My comment contributed to the community of learners because many people forget about the arts in schools and the more they are reminded the more likely it is that they will be supported.