Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reflection #9 Distractions

Today in class one of our professors gave us instructions to find our grade for an assignment online at the beginning of the class and told the students who had computers that they could take a look. After I looked up my grade, I found that I was extremely distracted. I started thinking about my grade and the other stuff that popped up on my computer when I looked at my grade. This made me realize that it is very important for teachers to be careful about the timing of technology in the classroom. If technology is given to the students at the beginning of the lesson and then the teacher does not have the students put it away and enforce that, then most of them will be unable to concentrate during the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. It is insane how technology can be such a distractions. I have witnessed people playing around on their computer during class and have completely zoned out the professor for like half of the class. I have mixed feelings about whether or not laptops should be allowed in the class while the professor is teaching.
