Saturday, December 1, 2012

Reflection #11 online books

High schools will often have to buy two sets of books. One set to send home with the students so they can do their homework, and then another to keep at school for instruction and school work. There is also a risk that the students will ruin or lose the books they bring home. Buying books online would be a great way to avoid these problems. First, the school would only have to purchase one online book per student because they would be able to access it online no matter where they were. In my own experience, I have noticed that whenever I have the option to buy a book online or the physical book, the book online is cheaper. The students would also be unable to lose or ruin their books if they were online.

1 comment:

  1. I've never thought about this before. You make a really good point, it would be a lot cheaper for districts and last longer. I like this idea, but I also am one of those students who likes to read physical textbooks. I'm wondering how that might affect student's learning if they are similar to me. Districts would also have to consider SES and how readily accesible the books would be to students outside of school. But, the way things are headed I wouldn't surprised if districts started doing this soon.
