Saturday, December 1, 2012

Reflection #12 Clocks

Today, people don't usually wear watches or look to analog watches. If people want to know the time they pull out their cell phone. Even a lot of classrooms have digital clocks. This made me wonder how important it really is to continue teaching children how to read analog clocks. I found this article about more and more children needing help reading clocks. The article said that it is possible that the analog clock may become a thing of the past. Most clocks in student homes are digital so they are getting less practice and have less need to learn how to learn clocks.



  1. This is really interesting...I've never thought about how students may not even need to have the skill of reading analog clocks in the future because of all the technological advances we'll have in the next few years. The less kids are exposed to analog clocks, the less capable they will be at interpreting them.

  2. I remember when my mom gave me my first watch - an analog watch that I learned how to tell time on. After I lost that one, I wanted to buy a new watch that was digital, like my dad's. My mom refused to let me get a digital one, though, until I had fully mastered how to read an analog clock. At the time, I didn't understand why she wouldn't let me get the watch I wanted. In hind sight, though, I am grateful for her decision. Although analog clocks are going out of style, I think it is important to know how to read them.
