Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reflection # 7 Technology that breaks

A month ago I had to buy a new phone and I noticed that the store was only selling touch screens. This made me realize that new technology is pushing out the old technology. This is all good if the new technology is better.... But is it? Last night, the touch screen on my month old phone broke. I didn't drop it, I didn't take poor care of it. It just decided to stop working. When I told my friends about this, they said, "Touch screens are known for breaking." If this is true then should we be replacing our reliable technology with new technology that is great to use but breaks easily? I think we need to be careful in our classrooms that we don't choose technology based purely on how new and cool they are but that we use technology that will last and not cause problems in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week #10

This article suggests that instead of starting with remembering and eventually getting to creating, Bloom's  technology should start with creating and then move the opposite way down the list to remembering. The article makes the argument that if children start by creating, then they will have an easier time remembering. This is a lot like using technology in education because technology is meant to engage students. It is after they are engaged and interested that they are able to effectively learn.   

Monday, October 29, 2012

Assignment #5

I am planning on creating a project on Native American customs for 3rd graders. I will have each of the students research a tribe and gather information on their beliefs and customs and then they will use glogster to create a poster and then they will write their own legend into a story using flipsnack.
My goal is that the students will be able to: 4.2 Understands and analyzes causal factors that have shaped major events in history. 4.2.2 Understands how contributions made by various cultural groups have shaped the history of the community and world.

Record music with Vocaroo >>

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week #9

In his article, Caught on Video, Bob Sprankle writes about ways you can use a video camera in the classroom. Some of the suggestions I found interesting were, filming the students on the first day of school, asking them what their goal for the school year is, filming student/teacher conferences so students can go back review what the teacher wants from them, and use cameras to capture hands on learning. I learned from this article that their are meany different ways you can use a video camera in the classroom, and it can be helpful for students, parents, and the teacher.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflection #6 Wiki page sign ups

My coach had us use a wiki page this weekend to sign up for individual meetings with him so we could talk about our races. It made me think of all the ways this could be used in education. In a classroom, the teacher could use a wiki page to have the students sign up for classes. I also think that a wiki page sign up could be used for parents. Instead of parents emailing the teacher to tell them they want to meet about their child and then the  teacher and parent having to email back and forth to schedule a time that works for both of them, the teacher can set up a wiki page with times and dates they are available and then the parent can sign up for a time that works best for them. 

Week #8

When I was looking at twitter, I noticed that there were a lot of posts about tools that can be used in the classroom. One tweeter posted Cyber Community Standards. As an educator, twitter would be a great way to stay current on lessons and to find new ideas that can be used in your classroom. I also noticed that one teacher tweeted that she was having a hard time putting her presenter info on a wiki page. Twitter is also a great place for teachers to ask other educators for their help and ideas. 

Reflection #5 Distractions

 The other day, when I was in class I noticed that three people were on facebook and somebody else was on pinterest.  This was all happening while my teacher was lecturing. Many teachers allow lap tops in class and assume that their students are typing their notes. While some students actually do take notes on their laptops, many others are merely being distracted by technology. I think It is very important for teachers to make sure their students are not being distracted by the technology in the classroom.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week #7

While looking at the Mr. Avery’s classroom blog, I thought his home sweet home assignment was very interesting. He had his students use a free design software to design their very own house. Once the students were finished designing their homes they had to find the perimeter, area, and volume of their home. They then had to determine the cost of their home. To find this, the students multiplied the total area by $200. I think this is a great way to get children interested in math and show them how the things they are learning in school can apply to other things.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reflection #4 Excel  

The other day, I had a job interview and I was asked if I had ever used excel. Unfortunately, I had to say no, but after the interview I decided to look up excel and learn more about it. I found this site and I thought it was interesting. Excel is a tool that helps you organize and create graphical representations of data for easier analysis This site made the argument that students need to be introduced to excel early and often. The main problem with excel is that students don't know how or are not used to using it but excel is becoming more popular so teachers need to be preparing their students for it. For example, my coach tried to send me my workout plan on excel, but because I didn't have it on my computer I was unable to receive it. I imagine that excel is also used a lot in many jobs. It is important for teachers to learn how to use excel so they can get their students ready for the work force. At the bottom of this site, there is a list of websites that will teach you how to use excel. I encourage you to check them out!











Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reflection #3 The Importance of Technology in the Classroom

Even though I am considered to be in the computer generation, I have never been big on using technology. Video games were not allowed in our house and I did not using computers or even have an email until I was in middle school. I have been one to resist technology, but the further I get in school the more I realize that we live in a technological society and it is important to know how to use and feel comfortable with technology. I saw this first hand today. Last night, I stayed up until one working on a paper (which is pretty late for me since I have 6:00 A.M. practice). The next day when I went to print my paper it was gone. In this moment I really wished I was more knowledgeable about technology. Most students use technology constantly but what about students that don’t have access to computers? How do we prepare them? Especially the way technology is progressing, it is important to make sure children are getting technology in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Reflection #2 Knowing about Technology

My dad works at Riverview elementary and a couple years ago they completely rebuilt the school. During the architectural process the building team met with the teachers weekly to plan the features of the new school. The teachers had a say in the layout of the classrooms and then later they were able to talk about resources they would need in their rooms. My dad was also given the chance to help design the stage because he is in charge of a first and second grade musical each year. Every classroom ended up having smart boards and document cameras and the stage has a nice sound system and lights. Hearing this made me realize that teachers really do need to know about technology and know what resources are helpful in a classroom even if they are not things you currently use because you never know when you will have an opportunity  like this, to improve your classroom.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Week #6 Generation IM

Generation IM discusses the need for computers in the classroom. It explained that kids are willing to spend time and energy working on computers. Because of this, if technology was in the classroom students would be more motivated and would learn better. I thought it was interesting that 67 percent of preschool students use computers. Before I read this, I always thought that technology in the classroom would be more helpful to older students. One of the examples of using technology in the classroom was using google maps to track the locations of Odysseus’s journey around southern Europe. In an earth science lesson, I would use google maps to show my students the different landforms.