Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reflection #2 Knowing about Technology

My dad works at Riverview elementary and a couple years ago they completely rebuilt the school. During the architectural process the building team met with the teachers weekly to plan the features of the new school. The teachers had a say in the layout of the classrooms and then later they were able to talk about resources they would need in their rooms. My dad was also given the chance to help design the stage because he is in charge of a first and second grade musical each year. Every classroom ended up having smart boards and document cameras and the stage has a nice sound system and lights. Hearing this made me realize that teachers really do need to know about technology and know what resources are helpful in a classroom even if they are not things you currently use because you never know when you will have an opportunity  like this, to improve your classroom.  

1 comment:

  1. What I really appreciate about this Technology in Education class is that it is giving us this chance to become learners and users of technology. Not only are we getting resources to use in our future classrooms but we are also becoming more comfortable with exploring the internet to find new and creative ideas. I agree with you Sigrid, I am really seeing the importance for teachers to be familiar with and able to use this new technology.
