Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reflection #3 The Importance of Technology in the Classroom

Even though I am considered to be in the computer generation, I have never been big on using technology. Video games were not allowed in our house and I did not using computers or even have an email until I was in middle school. I have been one to resist technology, but the further I get in school the more I realize that we live in a technological society and it is important to know how to use and feel comfortable with technology. I saw this first hand today. Last night, I stayed up until one working on a paper (which is pretty late for me since I have 6:00 A.M. practice). The next day when I went to print my paper it was gone. In this moment I really wished I was more knowledgeable about technology. Most students use technology constantly but what about students that don’t have access to computers? How do we prepare them? Especially the way technology is progressing, it is important to make sure children are getting technology in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat as you with being resistant to technology. For me, it stems from coming from a school district (I also worked in this school district) that doesn't have a lot of technology in the classroom; most classes have five desktop computers that are barely functioning. Along with that, many of the students' families can't afford computers so I often wonder what kind of difference that makes. If the student doesn't grow up with technology in the home, does it effect how they learn about and catch on to technology in the classroom? I think there's a lot more to it, but it would be interesting to see.
