Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reflection #4 Excel  

The other day, I had a job interview and I was asked if I had ever used excel. Unfortunately, I had to say no, but after the interview I decided to look up excel and learn more about it. I found this site and I thought it was interesting. Excel is a tool that helps you organize and create graphical representations of data for easier analysis This site made the argument that students need to be introduced to excel early and often. The main problem with excel is that students don't know how or are not used to using it but excel is becoming more popular so teachers need to be preparing their students for it. For example, my coach tried to send me my workout plan on excel, but because I didn't have it on my computer I was unable to receive it. I imagine that excel is also used a lot in many jobs. It is important for teachers to learn how to use excel so they can get their students ready for the work force. At the bottom of this site, there is a list of websites that will teach you how to use excel. I encourage you to check them out!

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