Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflection #5 Distractions

 The other day, when I was in class I noticed that three people were on facebook and somebody else was on pinterest.  This was all happening while my teacher was lecturing. Many teachers allow lap tops in class and assume that their students are typing their notes. While some students actually do take notes on their laptops, many others are merely being distracted by technology. I think It is very important for teachers to make sure their students are not being distracted by the technology in the classroom.  


  1. I have witnessed this happening so many times too! Some students use classtime to type up homework for other classes or check the latest news on facebook. It's really distracting because it makes it hard to listen to the professor when students in front of me are using their computers for things other than typing up notes.

  2. I know technology can be distracting for me when I'm all alone doing my homework and decide to check facebook or my emails quickly. Soon, 30 minutes have passed, and I realize that I haven't gotten any homework done. I feel like technology makes me have to work extra hard to maintain good study habits.
