Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflection #6 Wiki page sign ups

My coach had us use a wiki page this weekend to sign up for individual meetings with him so we could talk about our races. It made me think of all the ways this could be used in education. In a classroom, the teacher could use a wiki page to have the students sign up for classes. I also think that a wiki page sign up could be used for parents. Instead of parents emailing the teacher to tell them they want to meet about their child and then the  teacher and parent having to email back and forth to schedule a time that works for both of them, the teacher can set up a wiki page with times and dates they are available and then the parent can sign up for a time that works best for them. 

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about that before but after reading your post I realize that wiki page sign up could be used for a lot of different things. I especially like your idea of having parents use it to sign up for teacher-parent conferences. The only bad thing about wiki page sign up is that anyone could change anyone else's times. It doesn't save the changes permanently so one parent could change another parent's time.
