Monday, October 8, 2012

Week #7

While looking at the Mr. Avery’s classroom blog, I thought his home sweet home assignment was very interesting. He had his students use a free design software to design their very own house. Once the students were finished designing their homes they had to find the perimeter, area, and volume of their home. They then had to determine the cost of their home. To find this, the students multiplied the total area by $200. I think this is a great way to get children interested in math and show them how the things they are learning in school can apply to other things.


  1. That's such an awesome idea! By letting the students create their own house they are engaged already and so when it comes to the math part, they will be more likely to care about how big their house is!

  2. This is an assignment that I would want to use in my classroom because it incorporates such a unique artistic element into a math lesson. I was always bored during math time in elementary school but I would have loved designing my own house. I think this is a great way to get kids who aren't necessarily interested in math engaged in learning different math concepts.

  3. This is a really cool idea! I didn’t look at any of the elementary examples when I was doing this assignment, but this sounds like it could easily be adapted into a middle school project. I could even use the same program just go into more depth and use higher level math concepts. I'm going to go check this blog out now!
